Title - Devotion
Author - Kristie Cook
Genre - Romance, Supernatural
Rating - 5/5
Buy - Yes
Borrow - Yes
Kristie Cooks third book in the amazing Soul Savers series.
With Alexis having gone through the Ang'dora she has gained strength, powers and a lot of responsibility. With this Alexis thinks she can prevent her son from what seems to be the inevitable, will he go the Daemoni ?
Someone who they do not expect becomes a traitor and threatens to ruin the Amadis and the rest of humanity and life is not as it seems. The Daemoni are wreaking havoc in the human world as they want Tristan and Alexis out of the Amadis.
With her new powers and new world she has a lot to learn nothing is as it seems including the Amadis.
A big secret that someone is keeping will faith in Tristan and Alexis be restored if they can uncover the truth?
The search for the truth though brings more hurt, lies and and unexplained answers. Her devotion to who she loves, her people and her beliefs and put to the test in Devotion will she fight for what she believes
in and loves. Will she and Tristan last?
Find out in Devotion a must read by Kristie Cook
Soul Savers Series
- Promise